System Re-engineering


Over the years companies and organizations have made huge investments in IT systems that run their core business. These systems have been refined and perfected over the years and today many of these systems are the bread and butter of these enterprises. However, over time technology has changed and so have the ways of doing business and so what do you do with your ‘so called ‘legacy’ IT systems ? You can take a revolutionary approach and replace them entirely which might be very risk prone and expensive with costs involving everything from new hardware to software to change management and user retraining. The alternative is to take a less drastic evolutionary approach where you preserve your existing systems and try to “re-engineer” them to adapt to new business needs and make them technologically advanced to compete with the modern day marketplace.  That’s the typical scenario for a company needing System Re-engineering services.

System Re-engineering services deal with restructuring, and re-designing existing applications to make them more efficient, adapt to changes in business processes and in certain cases incorporate new technological advances to make the system more user friendly.

The business case for System Re-engineering in many situations can be quite compelling. System Re-engineering lets you preserve the massive investment in them in terms of money as well as the encapsulated business knowledge. You also have other intangible advantages like familiarity of users with the existing system and the assurance that your business rules and process logic have been accurately captured in these systems as evidenced by years of development and testing efforts thrown into them. Most of all, it’s a low risk approach – you know you already have a system which works and has worked over the years.

Some System Re-engineering Scenarios

•  Upgrading software versions – application environment, database or operating environment
•  Enhancing User Interfaces for Legacy Systems
•  Web Enabling Client/server or Legacy systems
•  Business Process Improvements and resulting system changes
•  System requires new integration interfaces